"Twilight Over Midgard" Season 1 Trailer

INT: Deep in a cave in the Norwegian wilderness.

Loki and Sigyn sit together. Loki is chained to a large, flat rock coming up from the ground. A snake is suspended above him, dripping venom down towards his face one drop at a time. Sigyn sits next to him, holding a bowl above his face to catch the venom.

Sigyn sniffs, holding back tears.

LOKI: Sigyn, love?

Sigyn tries to collect themself, pretending they aren’t near tears.


A brief beat.

LOKI: I was going to ask if you’re alright, but I suppose that would be stupid.

SIGYN (laughing, still trying not to cry): Maybe a little. I shouldn’t complain, though. I’m not the one tied to a rock with acid dripping on my face.

LOKI: I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.

SIGYN: Shut up, of course I’m going to worry about you. Don’t be ridiculous.

Loki chuckles.

LOKI (very fondly): I love you, too.

SIGYN: How’s your eye? Is it healing?

A beat.

LOKI: No. No, it’s not. The acid burn is covering it entirely, I don’t know if it’s going to. I think I may be down to my right eye from now on. 

Sigyn takes a moment to steady themself.

SIGYN: I can’t believe them. I don’t know how the Æsir can call our family monsters when they treat us like this again and again and again.

LOKI: They’re doing what they think will save everyone.

SIGYN: You can’t honestly be defending them still!

LOKI: I’m not!

SIGYN: Good! If I ever see Odin again, I swear to the stars I’m going to kill her.

LOKI: My love, you can’t kill the Allmother.

SIGYN (laughing): Try me!

Loki laughs, fond.

SIGYN: It’s not going to work, is it? They think they stopped it, but they didn’t. It’s still going to happen.

LOKI: Yes. It is. But Odin is a stubborn old fool, and she’s going to insist this fixes everything. Things are about to get very, very bad. For everyone. I imagine we have about three years before everything goes to shit.

A beat. 

SIGYN: The bowl is almost full, Loki. I need to empty it in a moment.

LOKI (dreading this): Alright.

SIGYN (quietly): I’m sorry.

LOKI (incredibly sarcastic): I mean, it’s just acidic snake venom dripping directly onto my face. How bad can it be?

SIGYN: … Right. (Sigyn takes in a deep breath) I love you. 

LOKI: I love you, too.

SIGYN: I’ll be quick. Ready?

LOKI (really fucking dreading this): Ready.

Sigyn stands, pulling the bowl away from Loki’s face. As she does, venom begins to drip directly onto Loki’s skin. Loki cries out in agony.

MUSIC: “The Parting Glass”, a traditional song here played on the violin by Kofi Young. Light, gentle, slightly melancholic music. The music plays quietly under the credits

CASSIE JOSEPHS: Twilight Over Midgard is a modern fantasy audio drama about a group of friends in modern day Seattle who are recruited by two Norse gods to stop the apocalypse. Pulled from their lives as violinists, queer news writers, and grad students, they find themselves going on adventures they never could have dreamed of, traveling to strange realms, meeting gods—and trying desperately to survive long enough to ensure that the world doesn’t end. We’re currently running a fundraiser for our first season and we have lots of great rewards for people who donate! For more information, go to StarlightAudio.com/support. The first episode of Twilight Over Midgard will release in August 2021.

This trailer was written and directed by Cassie Josephs and sound designed by Cole Burkhardt. Our music is “The Parting Glass” performed by Kofi Young. This trailer featured Caroline Mincks as Sigyn and Nick Webster as Loki. For transcripts, official character art, information on the cast and crew, and more, go to StarlightAudio.com. For updates and the periodic Norse Mythology meme, follow us on Twitter @StarlightAudio. See you in August.

MUSIC: The music grows louder, playing for several more seconds before fading out


Starlight Audio